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TC Energy Corporation and TransCanada PipeLines Limited, for purposes of the Income Tax Act (Canada), and any similar provincial or territorial legislation, 分别指定威尼斯电玩城手游公司或威尼斯电玩城游戏下载支付的所有股息, 12月后. 31, 2005, 除非威尼斯电玩城手游公司或横加管道有限公司另行通知,否则不得作为“合格股息”. 向加拿大居民支付的合格股息有权享受增强的股息税收抵免.

Non-resident investors

TC Energy支付给加拿大境外股东的股息须缴纳加拿大非居民预扣税. 对于居住在美国和其他适用加拿大税收协定的国家的投资者,一般税率为15%.

有效的简. 1, 2018, 美国国税局(IRS)规定,向美国人(包括外国居民)支付股息或利息的某些外国支付者,须扣留并向国税局支付此类款项的24%(从31%减少)(“备用扣缴”)。. 这个备用预扣税是在加拿大法律规定的15%的非居民税率之外的. 根据加拿大法律,非条约国家的居民必须对股息缴纳25%的预扣税.

Merger and tax information

Nova和TC Energy(当时名为TransCanada)致加拿大股东的联名信

Re: Determination of Fair Market Value of Shares on July 2, 1998

正如5月19日联合管理资料通告第66 - 70页所载的加拿大所得税部分所述, 1998 (the "Joint Information Circular"), 某些股份的公平市场价值的确定与NOVA和TransCanada的股东在确定协议计划(“计划”)中所述交易的加拿大所得税后果相关。, which became effective on July 2, 1998.

所有未在此另行定义的大写术语与联合资料通告中所载的含义相同. 在特定时间,加拿大税务局可以接受多种不同的方法来评估上市公司的股票.

For your information, NOVA和TransCanada目前正在计划各自的加拿大税务申报,以参考在多伦多证券交易所交易的十天加权平均价格来确定公开交易股票的公平市场价值.

基于使用十天加权平均价格得出的估值方法, the fair market values were:

NOVA Common Share (pre-merger) $16.90
TransCanada Common Share $32.50
NOVA普通股(合并后)(在联合资料通告中称为NOVA化学品普通股) $27.85

Using this valuation approach,

  1. The proceeds of disposition of a NOVA Common Share were $16.90;
  2. NOVA普通股股东收到TransCanada普通股的初始成本为32美元.50;
  3. 为了计算TransCanada普通股(在联合信息通告中称为EnergyCo .)的成本. Common Share) immediately after the Plan is effective, $5.57 ( .2 of $27.(85,以反映1 / 5股合并)必须从调整后的成本基础中扣除,以其他方式确定每股TransCanada普通股;
  4. NOVA普通股(合并后)(在联合资料通告中称为NOVA化学品普通股)的成本为27美元.85.

上述信息是根据两家公司从加拿大股东处收到的众多要求提供的. 本函无意取代联合信息通告中对税务后果的描述,也不应被解释为合法, 业务, tax or valuation advice to any particular shareholder. 相应的, 股东应就本计划对其造成的税务影响咨询其顾问, 特别是如果股东希望考虑采用不同的估值方法.

In addition to the foregoing, 如联合信息通告第68页所述,NOVA将向其股东发送T5所得税报告单,以报告因现金支付(和取消)部分股份权益而产生的视同股息.

If you have any questions with respect to any of the foregoing, please contact TC Energy at 1-800-361-6522.


Re: Determination of Fair Market Value of Shares on July 2, 1998

5月19日联合管理信息通告中描述的涉及NOVA公司(“NOVA”)和威尼斯电玩城游戏下载(“TransCanada”)的安排计划(“计划”), 1998 (the "Joint Information Circular") became effective on July 2, 1998 (the "Effective Date"). As stated in the United States income tax section, set forth on pages 70 - 75 of the Joint Information Circular, the fair market value of a common share of NOVA on the Effective Date after consummation of the Plan (a "NOVA common share" which is referred to in the Joint Information Circular as a NOVA Chemicals Common Share) and the fair market value of a common share of TransCanada without giving effect to the distribution of the NOVA Common Shares (a "TransCanada Common Share") is relevant to shareholders of TransCanada and NOVA for purposes of determining certain United States federal income tax consequences to them of the Plan. 这封信的目的是提供有关公平市场价值估计的信息.


美国国税局(Internal Revenue Service)在特定时间对一家上市公司的股票进行估值时,可能会接受不同的方法.

Based on discussions with US tax counsel, 威尼斯电玩城手游认为,使用以下金额(以美元表示)作为公平市场价值的估计是合理的:

TransCanada Common Share $22.23
NOVA普通股(在联合资料通告中称为NOVA化学品普通股) $20.89

TransCanada普通股的公允市场价值是根据7月2日多伦多证券交易所的高点和低点交易价格的简单平均值得出的, 1998. NOVA普通股(在联合信息通告中称为NOVA Chemicals普通股)的估计公平市场价值来自于多伦多证券交易所7月3日的开盘价格, 1998. 这些数额是根据特定日期生效的中午汇率换算成美元的.

Using these estimated values,

  1. The fair market value of the consideration received for a NOVA Common Share was $11.56 ( .52 x $22.23);
  2. NOVA普通股股东收到的TransCanada普通股的初始计税基础, 在因NOVA普通股的分配而对该税基进行任何调整之前, 是22美元.23;
  3. NOVA和TransCanada普通股股东收到的NOVA普通股(在联合信息通告中称为NOVA化学品普通股)的初始税基为20美元.89.


上述信息是根据两家公司从美国股东处收到的众多要求提供的. 本函无意取代联合信息通告中对税务后果的描述,也不应被解释为合法, 业务, tax or valuation advice to any particular shareholder. We believe that the use of the trading prices set forth above is a reasonable approach to estimate the fair market values of a TransCanada Common Share and a NOVA Common Share for purposes of determining certain United States federal income tax consequences of the Plan; however, 如上所述, other approaches could be utilized for this purpose. 相应的, 股东应审查联合资料通告中的美国税务部分,并应就本计划在其特定情况下对其产生的税务后果咨询其自己的顾问, 特别是如果股东希望考虑采用不同的估值方法.

In addition to the foregoing, NOVA将向其美国股东发送NR4补充所得税报告单,用于申报加拿大联邦所得税,如联合信息通告第70页所述,以现金支付代替(和取消)部分股份权益而产生的视同股息和相关非居民预扣税.

If you have any questions with respect to any of the foregoing, please contact TC Energy at 1-800-361-6522.

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